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Teacher / Staff Introduction教員・職員紹介

英語講師 Leslie Chua レスリー チュア


趣 味

Sports and games スポーツとゲーム

I like to play sports especially basketball and badminton. I used to practice taekwondo and karate too. Although I'm active, I like to stay indoors and play video games too.


特 技

Language and media 言語とメディア

I can speak 5 languages. Currently, I'm trying to learn Japanese and Korean. I am also trained in filmmaking, scriptwriting and theatre in different languages.



強 み

Creative クリエイティブ

I like to teach things in a creative way. Because for me, one of the best ways to motivate students is creating lesson plans that are engaging. I always think out of the box so the lessons and the things I teach will leave an impression on the students.


想 い

Everything is possible すべては可能だ

I always believe that the fear of failure is worse than failure. If you never try, you will never know. So I want to motivate students to always try and experience new things.

私はいつも、失敗を恐れることは失敗よりも悪いことだと考えています。 やってみなければわからない。だから私は、常に新しいことに挑戦し、経験するよう子どもたちを動機付けていきたいです。